Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Personal appearances.

I thought since I have a bit of time at the moment (not really), I'd take the moment to write about something personal. Not too personal, since this IS the web, but personal enough.
I am contemplating breast reduction surgery. It isn't solely because I feel bad about my appearance, I am certainly no small fry mind you. The reason I wish to do this is because I am quite young, to most standards, I am 26, however I get shoulder and back pain, and I am increasingly imbalanced when I work out, because my just shy of five foot three inch body is weighed down by size 40DD breasts.
Rumor has it that I and miss Dolly Parton have the same size. Can you imagine? She's shorter than me and I have no idea how she manages! She's also a heck a skinnier. -_- -koff- Meanwhile, I am considering something called a 'lazer bra' surgery.While the surgery is going on they can also give me a quick reduction. I am thinking of just shrinking back to a d cup or a full c.
Those with questions can go here:

This surgery seems a bit better than the usual reduction surgeries, for one, the nipple is not grafted, so the nipple remains attached to those lovely nerve endings, and I can keep nipple sensitivity. (A must for me.) The lazer bra also keeps the breasts firm and lifted longer, can we say, hot fifty year old? -smirk-
I have just recently begun school, and am on the verge of getting my life back, so of course this surgery if I want it done right is going to cost a good penny that I don't have, so I thought to save up for it. Perhaps in a few years? It would be a great 30th birthday present. That would be four years from now. (Hopefully, if the recession doesn't devastate the middle class completely.)
Anyhow, my serious contemplation has led me to take stock in my life goals and to contemplate my self image. What is beautiful? I write romances involving what I consider to be beautiful people, and I hope future readers can agree with that. However, truly, if you are out looking for your soul mate you should really, really consider your priorities. Does he/she HAVE to have perfect flat abs? Do you? Would you wish to be loved for your smokin body or for the beauty that is your own individual soul? Do you go to the gym often? If you do go, then why are you doing it? Remember, true love, that truly lasts long has everything to do with compatibility, and the couple's ability to communicate. Sex, looks, these are just attractions we have, they are animalistic, and vary so much that it would be a travesty to base our lives on them. Who is going to hold you when you are old, wrinkly, and close to the end? Likely not some hot twenty something. Please world, for your own good, LOOK PAST THE 3D imaging!
That being said I have just one more thing to add.
The above is a picture of myself, and I have never considered myself gorgeous. I've been told by others I am 'pretty', I've even been told I'd make a good model. However, I consider myself to be self conscious and leery of my looks. It isn't a good thing,so I am working on it. For you, the reader I'd like to say,don't let people decide whether you are pretty, attractive, or intelligent. Decide for yourself who you are, and do your best to be just that. In the end, unless you are blind or go blind, you will have to look at yourself for the rest of your life, you might as well accept and preferably, love what you see.
I wish you luck.
(Orhea, the dreamer)


  1. Pretty what? Pretty Hot? - I'd go with that ;)
    As for the surgery - save for it; by the time you've saved, you may know yourself better, know what you want, and have had some good advice about how to get it. Saving keeps your options open, and you can make the final decision when you're a little bit further down the road:)
