Friday, August 5, 2011

Fuzzy thoughts

So, I managed to get a few pages today. The more I consider shortening the story, the longer it gets! However, it is a journey worth enduring if I meet a light in the end.
At this point I wonder if my writing is worth while? Should I continue on? I should write more I know, but due to complications I can not name here, I am thin... real thin.
Miss tall dark and lovely out there, wherever you are, hurry up and come into my life so I have some inspiration!
lol, joking... maybe...
Meanwhile, do you like the picture? It makes me think of my skewed way of thinking about things, of looking at the world. So many things seem less than trivial, when perhaps they all are?
Oh, I watched Doctor Who today, what an interesting show. It comes on BBCA out here, that is, BBC America, since I am American.