Sunday, March 27, 2011

Drained, maimed, but still alive..

So tooth surgery was a success. The oral surgeon said my wound looked good. I still get occasional shooting pains up there. He also said I should still keep to the precautions. -eye roll-
Things I did today:
Wrote some of my English paper (Need to finish that REALLY soon!)
Planted Asiatic lilies (the cats thought it was fun to climb my back in the process)
Took out the garbage.
Pruned trees.

Things I NEED to do:

Finish English paper.
Work on Speech.
Write a little of my stories. (Or did I forget to mention I'm still trying to write that novel?)
Somewhere in there, spend some time on my yoga practice and/or the cardio workout.
Clean up the kitchen (now that it's a train wreck)
Figure out dinner.

Maybe somewhere in there I can find time to go to sleep tonight. Tic tock..

And now time for a little shameless advertising.