Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Special interest

So I am excited that "Wicked Things" Is on the way and that I have made some headway in "Thraxia" It is definitely coming along! If only I can find one good, solid weekend to flesh some things out! It's going to happen, most definately.
Anyway... I know I have stated various times that there is not enough representation of women of color in lesbian literature. So imagine how tickled pink I was when I found a little gem entitled "Tangled Roots" by Marianne K. Martin!
Thanks Marianne! Apparently the plot centers around the love affair between an African American daughter of farmers and a white daughter of a plantation owner (historical yay!) I believe it hasn't released quite yet but I anticipate it. I do hope Ms Martin creates a substantial story! It definately sounds like it from the blurb, which can be found at
Finally! I am starting to see some light here!

Hope prevails...

Friday, October 3, 2014

As surely as I breathe

It seems like most days, I keep reminding myself what it is I am doing.
Writing helps because it solidifies that large space in my mind that doesn't recieve stimulation.  This place no one can touch.  This is random but, I've attempted to write one of those marvelous poems like they do in poetry slams? The only issue is I don't think I am capable!
My poetry sometimes rhymes in places and sometimes doesn't and it tends to play with word meanings as well as sound to inspire a sort of feeling. I am a word genie, not a lyricist.  Ha, so anyway, here is my poorly written poetry.

                                                   Mixed Girl Thoughts
My nose is round.
Not just round like a little button, it's round like an orange.
Or maybe a cherry tomato...
The point is this
It doesn't quite fit my face, does it?
But I'm not trying to down myself
I've got enough self esteem to say
I don't look half bad...
Anyway my nose is round, I have freckles, I'm yellow, and my hair has about three different textures.
I am multi racial.
It's funny because when I was little, the only ones like me were my siblings.
But now, we're everywhere.
I can't help but to see that single raced mom, pushing her bi racial child in a stroller and think...
That kid has some crazy hair!
Bur other things pass through my mind too.
Like is the world really ready for this?
Am I ready?
Will these kids grow up not knowing who they are?
Or maybe they'll grow up having one view pushed upon them.
Will they dissociate from one race in favor of another and is this right?
Well, is it?
Whatever they say about themselves I hope they are confident.
I hope they see their round noses like blessings.
Their crazy hair like wings...
I hope they look in the mirror and don't see..
A jigsaw puzzle.
A missmash of ideas that don't meld proportionately.
I hope they look in the mirror and see, a smoothly blended, seamless person.
I hope they are confident.